As any parent knows, mornings can be rough. Kids need to be fed, dressed, hygiene attended to, the various items of the day – lunches, homework, jackets etc. all settled upon. Depending on the number of children, this can look like a zoo. Now, add the fact that it’s morning, and people are moving slower. Add the idea of one bathroom for four people. Poe (being unemployed) and I (being a home business owner) have the advantage over other working parents in that we don’t have to get ready right that second too. We get up way before them… But that’s more for our sanity, and so we’re not in our grumpy morning attitudes when we get them up. I’m able to get a start on my workday and know what fires have cropped up during the night. Not to mention ingesting coffee prior to the stampede.
So – Poe and I are both in our pajamas for the most part when dropping kids off. Then we can come home and get ready ourselves, without playing referee with our kids. And you know what? This works for us.
Enter this idiotic thing… School Bans Parents from Wearing PJ’s at Drop Off. Whatever. Seriously. You know what? If I’m in MY car, I get to wear whatever I want. If I’m on foot, I STILL get to wear whatever I want. What’s important is that my children arrive to school fed, clean, rested, and prepared. When I was working outside the home, and I had to be ready to go at the same time as the kids, it only made our morning preparations MORE chaotic. I like the way I’ve got things going now. I think something else that’s interesting to note is the complete disdain the principal seems to have for parents in general – regardless of their attire.
Seriously? Stay out of my business. Concentrate more on educating my child. That’s your job, right?
I read that article and felt inspired to leave a comment. WHY WHY WHY do I get sucked into those online feuds?
I’m a fan of nasty sweats and pj’s for drop offs at school…heck…sometimes, pick ups too!
The schools job is to educate our kids, not to dictate what we ADULTS wear to drop our kids off at school. That would NOT fly here. Of course we have bigger issues like schools activating webcams on laptops and spying on students at home.