Summer can be a little difficult on my end. It’s hot. I hate being hot. The kids are home and getting on each others’ nerves as much as humanly possible. There’s no schedule, and it’s difficult for me to maintain one for work — I do it, but it’s hard.
But – it’s also vacation time. We go camping.
- It’s relatively cheaper than anything else, since we have just about everything we need.
- It’s forced together time with no gadgets or technology since they can’t be charged. Yes, I know there’s things like car chargers etc. I don’t buy them specifically so it’s not an option. But that means I, too, am not checking my email etc. I do have my cell phone, for emergencies, but I don’t use it so that I don’t burn the battery.
- I always choose spots on water. This year, we’ll be on a bluff above the ocean on one trip, and directly on the river on the second trip. Water calms me. Water helps me. Water rejuvenates me. Someday, my forever home will be on a body of water. We’re camping at the El Capitan State Beach (California coast) at this site, and the Fairview Campground (California Sequoia National Forest) at this site this year.
I use national parks and such for a couple of reasons. Ease of reservations, but also for the safety. National parks means rangers, etc. And we always car camp. Logan can’t hike while carrying weight due to his heart condition, and I can’t carry much for long due to my back, to carry in/carry out would be difficult for us. (And I never said I was hardcore.) That said, that means reservations also need to be made at LEAST 6 months in advance.
The trips are coming in June and July. It’s already April! And because of the chaos in May with school closing out, I need to start planning now. To fix a couple of things we’ve learned along the way, this year we…
- Need some kind of umbrella awning. The first site looks shaded, but the second is definitely not. Joseph and Jay just have way too sensitive of skin. While they just went into the tent last time – that doesn’t enjoy your surroundings, and it’s summer! It’s hot!
- Get another tent for the kids. They’re older, so we don’t need to escort them to the potty anymore. Also – they’re boys and gross. Also – Jay and I would like some privacy.
- Find some kind of transportable/foldable camp kitchen. I keep spending more time FINDING the stuff I need to cook dinner, than actually cooking the dinner! Also, note to self, dinner BEFORE it turns dark
- Camera. I lost all our pictures from the last trip, because the cheap camera screwed up on me. I can’t use my phone (see battery use above). So a better quality camera this year.
I’m really excited!
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