I’m about to make my first foray into stating my opinion on what is a controversial topic. First, I would close comments if I could, but I don’t know how. That being the case, please be nice to me. I’m stating an opinion. Just as you all can on your own blogs.
I tend to stay away from controversy, religion, and politics. It comes from my fears and anxiety about confrontation. I’ve shared personal religious stuff – but in regards to my life, not in regards to is/isn’t, should/shouldn’t. And in politics, I don’t go there, because I feel ignorant.
Let me share with you the facts, and then I’ll let you know what I think.
Thomas Beattie and his wife, Nancy, couldn’t have children. Well. Nancy couldn’t. Thomas is a post-surgical male who chose to keep his reproductive organs. Nancy had had a hysterectomy, so rather than hire a surrogate, Thomas became pregnant via artificial insemination. He’s now about 6 months along. It’s a People Magazine exclusive this week, and he’ll be on the Oprah show tomorrow. I have some thoughts on this.
Thomas tells Oprah in a show clip, “I’m a person and I have the right to have my own biological child.”
No, Thomas, you don’t. None of us do. We may choose to have children. We may feel children to be a blessing. We may accidentally have children. We may not be able to have children. But none of us DESERVE children. Bad people have children ALL the time.
The “pregnant man” is speaking out about his decision to have a child – saying, “I’m a person and I have the right to have my own biological child.”
Again, you have the “right” to a biological child. Tell that to all the infertile people desperate for a child. Don’t they have that “right”? Well why don’t they? So far I’ve not heard him speak about family, or about love, or about parenting a child. Again, no one has the “right” or else bad people wouldn’t have children either.
It’s not about you.
I’m not okay with any of this. This isn’t about gay or straight, transgender, hetero, religion, or any of it. My question is when is enough enough? Seriously. He CHOSE to become a male. But now that him and his wife need something from a woman that she can’t provide, he is CHOOSING to use his own female biology. But when is enough enough?
Look. Here’s my problem. The GLBT community wants to be honored and accepted in their communities. They want to both let be to live their own lives, as well as have the civil liberties such as marriage, and the abolishment of discrimination and such. I get that concept I really do. My problem in THIS instance is… 1) It seems to be about his rights and he deserves, instead of loving a child and having a family. And 2) Accept me! Oops no wait… Changed my mind! Let me just do this one thing… Ok, back to male, ACCEPT ME!
I see pregnancy as a process and it doesn’t define who I am. Ironically, being pregnant doesn’t make me feel any more female or feminine.
I suppose he’s just using his own body as a vessel. My gut reaction still says “wrong.”
Am I just the most bigoted person in the world, and just exposed it to the whole world, or is there something wrong with this.
Again. PERSONAL OPINION. While I’d like to hear your opinion I don’t want to hear about how you hate me, or the person who commented before you.
I just wonder what the kid will think of this….I mean do they ‘deserve’ all this baggage?
Wow. I think this world is becoming more and more screwed up by the second.
I really appreciate this story because of the entertainment value, as well as further proof that humans are totally free and sovereign beings- Impossible things are accomplished daily by humanity.
On another note: why do you care?
Sovereign Starr’s last blog post..Announcing the New Sovereign Starr Clothing Line
thanks michelle! I found the buttons!!! glad to have found yr blog!
amy’s last blog post..They say it’s your birthday/We’re gonna have a good time
When the news is in your face- as it has been for the last week or so- you almost can’t help but “care” about it, either way.
I think that it’s going to confuse the poor child when he or she is older.. It’s hard enough to explain to your friends how your dad is really a woman.. but then how your dad was pregnant with you. Apparently considering the child in all of this really wasn’t a factor?
I agree with you. She is a woman and not a man!! She doesn’t have male parts, she has female parts and now she is using them until she wants to be a man again…how confusing is that? That poor child is gonna be so confused.
I don’t except this! It is gross!
i think that anyone is entitled to have a child of thier own. no matter how “messed” up it seems to other people. i want to congradulate the couple for thier wonderful blessing. i hope everything goes good during delevery and through out the pregnacy.
Hmmm. Well that’s just it, Raychel. They and you use the words “entitled” and “deserved.” That’s the problem I have with the whole thing. The sense of entitlement over parenting. I have yet in ONE story, or interview to hear the word love. Just “want” “deserve” to “have.”
Ok heres the thing… Im lesbian but seriously think they are screwing up this child. You are *Entitled* to be gay straight bi Whatever But having a child isnt a *deserve to* situation. I cant have kids, so why dont i deserve to? Obviously it isnt because im Lesbian because so is she he IT. Somehow, I got stuck with ovarian cancer- Yet druggies can have kids then turn around and seel the kids for another “fix”? This case seems to be more like a shock value case. They want the response, they dont care at what extent and this kid is going to be way beyond confused. maybe they should start saving serious money now before the baby comes, because that child is going to need MAJOR therapy.
Sell* not Seel