I have not mentioned who I am backing in the current Presidential election. I don’t think I have ever even shared my party affiliation.
Do I?
I know my views. Am I willing to be put up for potential slamming? Because lets face it – there will be slamming – there always is, you know?
Do I put that button over in my sidebar?
Do I argue about political headlines?
These are not rhetorical questions… I would like to know your views. I’ve tended to stay away from major theological discussions and politics, because it’s my feeling that I have my views, you have your views. I’m not changing your mind, you’re not changing mine. Why argue?
But with politics saturating every bit of our media (and in this case, good reason, a new potential leader of the country we reside in) staying silent seems… weak. I’m looking for a different word, but it escapes me. Cowardly maybe?
But then – is opening myself up for the potential hatred (as opposed to reasoned debate of opposing opinions) is something I’m not sure I want in my life right now. Politics – just like religion – is a major big time hot button on people’s emotions.
So – do you wear your political heart on your sleeve?
I wear my political heart on my sleeve, but not on my web page. My twitter peeps know just where I stand, but I prefer that my blog readers be able to identify with me and find they often project their own leanings onto their vision of me. I like that. Kinda makes my comment pages a safe place for everyone to vent without judgment.
TX Poppets last blog post..“This Could Change Your Life…”
I haven’t written about politics on Stop, Drop & Blog because my Husband’s grandparents read it. Heh. I have on The Chronicles.
Share. You can do it. If you’re super worried, don’t allow comments on those posts. 😉
FireMoms last blog post..Love Thursday: My Mom Stood Up 2 Cancer
I tend to steer wide and clear of any political discussion. My views don’t fit in with either the Democrat or Republican agenda so I always find myself in opposition to something the other person is passionate about. Plus since I am completely unable to match up my views to any given candidate I just can’t work up any passion.
One quick example: Democrat position is to allow all illegal immigrants to become citizens. Republican position is to throw them all back to where they came from indiscriminately. These are the hard line party views.
Why can’t we be compassionate and those who want to stay and contribute to the prosperity of America stay and throw the rest (criminals, drug dealers, those just wanting to steal jobs without ever becoming a citizen) back?
T with Honeys last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
I’m always interested to read other people’s opinions. Politics isn’t so much “my thing”, except for the pop culture aspect of it, but I like that I sometimes see things differently after reading someone else’s thoughts.
I think a lot depends on the tone of someone’s writing. If a writer is open about what they think but they make it pretty clear that it’s their opinion and they’re not trying to argue but more to discuss, then I think it can be more successful than a more strident approach.