I’ve been extremely delinquent in my blogging. Basically because things are at such a level of suckage that I can’t stand to write about it. So here’s a little update on everything. First, the good.
Joseph is doing great at his new school. He seems to like it. He’s very tired as it’s only the 2nd week in, and he’d been out so long, but he’s starting to get in his groove. I’m cautiously optomistic.
I’m matron of honor in a friend’s wedding coming up in February. Trying to scrounge together money for the kids’ tux rentals (they’re in the wedding.) Not to mention the bachelorette party. I’m pretty sure it’s going to be BYOB and I cook. Dude. I can’t afford anything else. dammit.
Logan continues to be… Logan. There are no words for that little bug.
As for the rest. Student loans are coming after us, and we’re trying to settle. They really don’t care that Poe’s been out of work for a year – and no they won’t take payments. $28k now please. Actually no – please isn’t a word they know. I’ve heard stories of the tactics that debt collectors use, but got to experience it first hand, myself yesterday. We were personally insulted, our family was personally insulted (although I’m still not sure why) and the man yelled at us. Not argued – yelled. As if we had personally taken out a loan against his property. Dude – you’ve had the account for a week. He called us liars. Started questioning each of our expenses. It was awful and surreal. I’m not usually on the receiving end of such vitriol – and I’ve taken some shit in my life. I don’t remember what I said, but Poe said at some point I said, “Excuse me sir, but how dare you speak this way to a human being?” It was bad. At which point my father witnessed my falling to pieces, which prompted my mother to come over, which prompted a potential settlement. Which I am not handling. Poe is. I can’t get back on the phone with them. I already have ulcers.
We’ve managed to stay current on everything else, by the skin of our teeth. Poe has tried everything from his actual career line of work to grocery store, to pizza joints. Now he’s trying to find manual labor.
So when I see Washington saying that things are getting better, I wonder if they’ve actually talked to any of their constituency. Because it’s not for us. And I know it’s not for others.
We’ve become Dave Ramsey fans. Although to use his words, “we have an income problem.” But using his money tactics for talking to each other, and planning together – Poe and I are both closer, and have a better monetary hand on things. That’s actually been a good thing. I don’t feel abandoned to make all the hard decisions myself, and he actually knows blisteringly clear how bleak it is. But, knowledge is power. We have a plan to initiate, and while for now that’s mostly treading water, we’re together in it.
So – if you know of a CAD Design/Drafting job – or anything else – open in Southern California, I’d appreciate being able to pass it on to him.
Sounds like things are rough! I admire your attitude and your perseverance! Keep at it! You’re an inspiration.