Imagine, if you will, that you’re the parent of a college student. You’ve just gotten word that your child is in lockdown at their school in a classroom with a gun-wielding maniac.
Imagine, if you will, that you’re the college student.
Imagine, if you will, that you’re the teacher.
Imagine, if you will, that it was all a drill – you just didn’t get the memo.
These people thought they were going to die. Apparently, it’s all ok since it didn’t really happen. BS. These people now have to get over genuinely thinking they were going to die in that moment.
At the very least two things should have occurred that didn’t: There should have been a sit down with the teacher, not an email (he didn’t get the email.) And there should have been a broadcast on their emergency PA system 5-10 minutes prior. Oh, and the text alerts they were using? Voluntary. Only about half the students signed up.
Someone was hit with the stupid stick that day.
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