**Please note: this is not a rant on nursing vs. not nursing. So those mothers who have not breastfed (for whatever reason) this is not about your choice. I did both nursing and formula, for different reasons both kids. So, please don’t write about that, because I am NOT revisiting that age-old debate. This isn’t about your choice. It’s about the image of the choice, and what’s being done to it.
I’m important. As a mother, I am worthy, and I count. The natural God-given abilities of my body in feeding my child are just that – natural. Not immoral. Not unethical. Not unhygienic. Not perverse. Not pornographic.
How can we, as a society desensitized to sexual innuendo, images, celebrity, tits, ass, etc. shoved in our faces every day by the media, then go and ban nursing videos as explicit – while still allowing the hot mom’s ass jiggling stripper dance.
Oh, excuse me, the stripper dance you need to certify your age – the nursing video is just banned.
I really really don’t understand it. I mean I’ve talked about how I feel before. I believe modesty and good taste are necessary. I also believe I should be able to feed my kid wherever I see fit – and a public restroom is NOT fit.
Banning nursing videos and images is not okay with me. Lumping those topics in with pornography is not okay with me. Making me feel dirty because I nursed my sons is not okay with me. Banning nursing videos and images while showing Britney’s cooch is not okay with me.
I am a mother. I matter. Don’t make what I do into something dirty when it’s not – perverse when it is not.
Here’s what you can do (copied from the LMJ):
1. Email congressional reps (link to http://www.visi.com/juan/congress/ – enter your zip, and it returns all three addresses/home pages for your location) and Parliament members (link to http://www.canada.gc.ca/directories/direct_e.html – enter your postal code, and it returns addresses/home pages of Parliament members) and ask them to tell YouTube/Google that removal of the video is socially and legally unacceptable.
2. Create a short video (not breastfeeding) that is tagged and titled “Message to YouTube” (feel free to include any other tags, including League of Maternal Justice, Breastfeeding, Health, etc). and tell them what you think about this. Tell them that breastfeeding is NOT obscene
*Updated: We’re going to reload our video (with new music) in the next few days. If you want, hold your Messages to YouTube and you can make them as replies to our Montage! (Thanks Jenn)
YouTube is calling for these videos and we’re more than happy to oblige. Make sure to send us your YouTube video link!
3. Write a post and include these same directions on your own blogs and send us the permalinks (or leave them in the comments).
4. Return to the LMJ call to action post (where permalinks will be linked up) and post/vote for others’ posts on bookmarking sites.
5. Submit our press release to online media outlets and social bookmarking sites (Reddit, Stumbleupon, etc.), get your message boards involved, send to your local reporters, or any national news contacts.
To get more information, got to the League of Maternal Justice.
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