I just got home from a concert of Joseph’s 3rd grade class. Three classes, playing their recorders. I suppose less is more in describing that one. Heh.
I’ll be uploading videos onto my YouTube account today maybe. We’ll see. Or maybe Vimeo. Last time I tried YouTube, it hated me. I won’t post it here though – I just want the final product in the clouds as well as on my hard drive. Got a ton of photos to go through as well – need to picnic and flickr those.
We still haven’t heard from Poe’s job prospect. They did call and tell him that they haven’t forgotten him, they’re just still thinking about it (they would be adding a whole department just for him.) Understandable. But itchy.
El Dinero es nunca. No Money. Going to use a credit card for groceries this week. We don’t use credit anymore, so you know we’re desperate. But, God provides. Faith. I’m trying to. I keep trying to refocus my thoughts on God and His promises. I won’t pretend that it’s not a struggle.
But, on a lighter note – here’s a couple of pictures of what we’ve been up to.
Your boys are absolutely beautiful!
All it takes is a mustard seed, my friend.
Such handsome little men 🙂