We have two cats. I thought I’d tell you about them, one at a time to lengthen my nablopomo posts so you don’t get overwhelmed.
So the first… Sassy. Here, have some cuteness…
This one. Oy. First off – she loves herself a warm body. Kids go to bed – she’s with one of them. Then one of us goes to bed, so at some point, she can be found in one of our crotches, or wrapped around my head. Then we get up early, so she goes to Joseph. Joseph gets up next, so she moves on to Logan. At which point, he gets up, and she bides her time until I sit to work for the day, so she can claim my lap.
I don’t care if she’s dead to the world, if she hears the food, it takes 1/2 a second for her to show up in the kitchen. Possibly still half asleep. Also, if she’s awake, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing in the kitchen. OBVIOUSLY there must be food involved.
And her most endearing quality… If I start talking in my teacher voice (explaining something to the kids), or speak animatedly (telling Poe a story), or really am mad and venting, she assumes I’m mad or sad. She will do anything in her power to get into my arms in order to bury her head in my neck and hug me. You can tell, she’s just trying to calm me down. “Mommy don’t be sad!” And rest assured, if someone’s sick, she can tell, and she’ll stick by them like glue (with lots of snuggles and head butts) until they feel better.
Her biggest quirk? If we have a cold drink she will find it and lick the outside condensation. She doesn’t want the drink – she wants the outside. She does the same thing to the windows on foggy days, or in the bathroom when the condensation forms on the glass due to the steam. And? She may have the most noxious flatulence in the animal kingdom.
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