Poe was handling the morning carline this fine Friday (thank God) morning. His conversation with a mother (in the actual carline):
Mother: Hey! Aren’t you Mr. X*?
Poe: Um, no?
Mother: Really? At Club Midnight*?
Poe: Um. No. Nononono.
Mother: Well… You’re a really great dancer.
Poe: Thank you?
What he wanted to say was “And were you a good tipper?” But he didn’t. Although he should have.
Of course this comes on the heels of Girl Scout Cookies, hugs, lots of “Thank you Mr. Wilcox,” “Mmmmm those are great tattoos!” And my favorite, “It’s so nice to have a big strong man on the carline.” (And really? WTF?)
I’m going to have to start going to carline myself to protect him from the wimmins.
*Dancer and Club name completely made up because Poe couldn’t remember the names. DOESN’T HE KNOW HE NEEDS TO REMEMBER THIS STUFF SO CAN BLOG ABOUT IT?
Alternate answers…
“Now, were you the one who threw the thong?”
“Yes, that was me…but now I’ve moved on to porno.”
“Thank you, I sold my soul to satan for my dance moves.”
I could keep going here people…
OMG, this is one of the funniest things I’ve read this morning.