I was catching up on my feeds, and came upon an entry by Dooce. In it, she introduces a news story about a feral child. A feral child due to neglect… awful, awful, basic neglect. 7 years old and couldn’t speak. Roach bites. Only could suck a bottle. Diapers, just stacked around. Mattress on the floor. Covered in insects, mites, lice, and the like.
I read the whole article: The Girl in the Window. Then I saw the videos/pictures/interviews.
It has effected me. Deeply. I hurt for this little girl so very much. I had to go to the restroom at work because I was crying. A child not knowing that a hug is comfort? A 7 year old, without a medical issue (other than neglect) who sucks from a bottle and doesn’t know how to chew food? One who doesn’t cry or flinch in pain for IV’s?
How much pain has this child had?
There’s nothing I can do. The child has adoptive parents now who are doing everything possible for her. But I hurt. So, I had to write about it.
By the way, the mother criminal gave up her parental rights as a plea to avoid the 20 year sentence. And she thinks she’s been wronged.
I know that I complain that I’m a bad mother. And yes – I definitely get lazy about certain things. I look at stories such as this, and think, thank God my bar is set so high.
I realize that the situation is done. I realize there’s nothing I can do. I know all that can be done IS being done. But I can’t help, as a mother, to picture my own child in that situation. And that’s when I cried.
That situation is done, but there a millions out there like hers. Maybe they aren’t feral, but they have attachment disorder. I’m in my 8th year of foster parenting, and the stories I’ve heard from the children I’ve cared for! There’s always something you can do. Always. You are a loving parent, and all children need one of those, but not all get one. Just keep caring, and never stop crying when you hear stories like Dani’s.
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I read that article yesterday and I too cried. And I figured it was best if I didn’t look at the pictures and video. I think it would be too much for me.
The reality is that things like this go on all the time. But we can be more aware, not afraid to question when things look wrong and to step up when given the chance.
And most important we can love our children and help them grow into caring adults.
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