Today is Monday.
I have survived one week on Nablopomo.
Today begins my last week at work. This is the last Monday I have to go in. I’m actually taking my laptop with me, because I’m no longer on the computer, my replacement is. This is good. But I still have to be able to access my work email in case any stragglers didn’t listen to my email last week.
One thing I’m curious about, and a little anxious too – how is Poe going to react? Reality hasn’t set in yet, as I’m still working. Is he going to be jealous? He knows that I’m going to be taking on a lot of what he’s done, which will lessen the stress on him. But still. Come this Monday, I don’t have to go to work, and he does. I wonder how it’ll shake out in his mind. He wants me to do this – let’s make that clear. But, wow, that’s a lot of pressure for someone. You are now the sole breadwinner for 4 people, and…. GO! But then, the trade off is not doing laundry, and home cooking, and a peaceful home. Hopefully. The goal anyway.
I sit here dreading today. I gave three months notice people. I’m ready to be on the other side and DONE already.
Just a thought…definitely be ready for the ‘transfer of duty’ squabbles. This is a huge change in your home life and even with everyone on board, until you hit your new ‘normal’, there will be tense moments and expectations that are not met. Keep talking and asking questions of each other-that will make it easier!