No really, they did. We got married so fast that I lost a few friends who wouldn’t support me. And about 3-6 months into the marriage, our church family kept staring at my tummy, SURE that I must be pregnant. I mean, it had to be a shotgun wedding, right?
We disappointed them. We got married because we loved each other, and knew it was right, and knew it was of God. Period. We ignored the naysayers, and did what we felt was right.
12 years later, we’re still together. A little ragged around the edges, with worn out knees, and well placed holes, a bit faded. But still here, still together, and still love each other.
Happy anniversary, Poe. I love you. Still.
Matt and I were engaged three weeks after we met. Married 9 weeks later. I still feel like the luckiest girl in the world.