*Disclaimer: This is an experiment in thought and “what ifs.” I have no interest in creating a “movement.” I am not currently part of a movement. I am a registered voter with opinions.
As with most Americans, Poe and I have been very political minded the last 2 years. Election, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, health care, etc. are all words that have been bantered about between us of late. Late one night in bed, we were falling asleep. We had just watched some political TV programming we are fans of. Sleepy, but minds churning, we started mapping out the following scenario.
What if we split the country in half? Two Americas. United States of Western America, and United States of Eastern America. The states themselves would remain intact, so it would be a jagged line up the middle. The western half would be the right side of the political spectrum, the eastern half would be the left side of the political spectrum. You have 30 days to decide which side of the spectrum your personal beliefs fall into. You are to choose freely, but you MUST choose. After your decision is made, you have 90 days to get you there. There would be relocation centers to help you find jobs and move, should your choice take you to the other side of the country. Once the move is in place, federal responsibilities would be split in half. The national debt? Halved. The US Treasury? Halved. Current military? Halved. So on and so forth. Federal taxes would obviously go towards support of your new half of the country.
While communication and travel would be freely shared (with passports of course) nothing else would. You could not work over the national line, you must work and have residence in your own half. No bartering, trade, services, utilities, natural resources, etc. could go over the national line. The governments would choose how to run their own government. They would decide their own foreign policy, foreign debt, immigration laws, participation in organizations like NATO and the United Nations, defense strategy, military, etc. There would be a treaty in place that no fighting happened over the line.
The experiment stays in place for 20 years. Short enough to turn back, long enough to get some data.
What happens? Who keeps a republic? Who keeps the Constitution? Who enters wars? Who solves international peace situations? Who has a better unemployment rate? Who has a higher median income? Who has cleaner streets, less crime, safer lives? Who is free? How has artistic endeavors evolved? Who has less debt? Who has better health? Who has a better education? Who has better transportation? Who has evolved further technologically? Do the two countries come back together as a whole, or do they work better as separate entities?
If you start thinking about specific personal issues, specific personal lives, and take the current system out of the equation it starts getting interesting. If you could start a brand new country, what would it look like? How would it work? How would it evolve?
i like the idea of this experiment. except, i think the eastern half should be the right side of the spectrum. mostly because i don’t want to leave california. (but maybe california could secede, and then we could actually split into two sub-countries, northern and southern california. hey, they’re practically their own countries anyway, right?)
thanks for stopping by my blog, btw. edd actually sent me a notice to appear for an in-person interview. somehow, i don’t feel more more sanguine.