When I am Queen of Everything (NOT to take the title from Amalah or Erin – they are the current reigning supremas), there will be one rule. Listen to Queen Sparks. That’s it. Not that I’m God, but DUUUUDE the world would run much smoother with me in charge.
In my personal current little kingdom, no one listens. They should. Vacation planning? Just listen to me and you’ll do fine. But no. You don’t. Big move coming up? I decree that you shall help by taking the kids for one week. During that week, these things will happen. Do not deviate from the set schedule, or this whole shindig will fall apart.
I said don’t deviate from the damn schedule.
See? I told you you should listen to me. But Noooooo, you just can’t.
There are varied opportunities for you to listen to me. You (this is the whole world You) just won’t!!! Oy!!! Yes, I have opinions. Of course, everyone does.
But when I am Queen and tell you what to do, you shall do it. And then there will be world peace. The end.
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