I awoke this morning to a nasty headache, thanks to my sinuses and the weather. I then had to stop brushing my teeth and rinse my mouth unless I wanted to experience Dire Consequences. I realized later that it was the Excedrin hitting my empty but caffeinated stomach.
I know that it’s beyond banal and boring to talk about the weather but really? I know I live in Southern California, and I know I’m a native. I should be used to it, right? Right? Yeah but then you take into account the 4 days of “severe weather alerts” from weather.com… They put the weathermen in an excited tizzy, but it’s just miserable. And at the bottom of the weather alert I saw this, “CHECK UP ON RELATIVES AND NEIGHBORS.” Like Hey You! Someone might actually die from this weather, so check in with everybody ok?
So yeah. Ugh.
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