Ok, so a couple of random things that are on my mind and I’d like them out please.
*So – I think Joseph really benefitted from his Special Ed in summer school. Because, he finished kindergarten reading at a PRE-K level. However, he’s been shouting out words when he sees them – and he’s correct. Before, he wouldn’t even try. Maybe we passed a hump?
*I realized that I maybe sound either pompous or like an idiot talking about my housecleaner out one side of the mouth, and then money woes out the other. The truth is, I only hire housecleaners when my in-laws are going to be in the house. I figure if professionals do it, and it’s still not good enough, I’ve officially done all I can do. And I get a clean house out of the deal. The rest of the time, our guests get my frugal haphazard cleaning. But it’s okay, because they’re happy just to spend time with their friend, which is the whole point you know?
*DISCLAIMER: Honey, I love you. I do. Spending time with you is time excellently spent. That being said… My kids are going to Big Bear with the in-laws Poe thinks he’s going to tag along so he can see his aunt he hasn’t seen in years. I’m not going, because, well… those in the know know. Do you know what this means?
Do you??
The house. All of it. To myself. I can have it be quiet. Silent. Solitude. This is a freakin’ dream. It doesn’t happen often, and I love my family, but just the rarity of it makes it a treat. Because it comes right before the next random thing.
*School starts next week. I’m about to jump feetfirst straight into a land of principals (again), occupational therapists, and stepford wives. Oh and they haven’t sent the packet as promised, so I have no idea who my son’s teacher is, nor the room he needs to go to on the first day, nor whether he’s early bird or late bird. That last one’s fine, since they’re all early birds for the first two weeks, but I’d sure love to know where the hell to go on the first day.
*Go me! I think I have all the school supplies. Except for a couple that are teacher specific. That I can’t get. See above.
Oh, Happy Click & Comment Monday! I dropped by via your link on my blog and I’ll be looking to see if you have a renter for me to visit.
Have a great Monday and I’m going to read your post now and get familiar with your blog.
Congrats on having some time to yourself in the house! I love those moments :))))
I love the idea of Click&Comment Monday! What a nice start to the week.
My sons are starting their second full week of school and I STILL don’t have all their school supplies. I’m hoping the Stepford mommies sent extras.
Happy Click & Comment Monday! 🙂
Hope you had a great day!