For those of you have asked, thank you. No – This strike shouldn’t effect me. I work in strictly film (and not in writing) and our studio has enough to keep them busy through 2008, so I should be fine. Not to mention the fact that I’m not in a union – so I don’t even have to worry about my union jumping in.
I can’t speak for others at my particular studio, since we do TV production as well.
But in this case, I can’t see it turning into a personal problem. Thank God, since we lost everything three years ago. I don’t know if I could take us personally going though that again. We’re just now financially getting back on our feet.
Hopefully these people were careful with their money, and I certainly hope they were making more money than we were back then, so hopefully desperation won’t become an issue. I’m hopeful this will be totally peaceful, unlike last time where poor Poe had everything from salad dressing to beer bottles thrown at him. It was a very ugly time in our lives.
But now – this time around I should be fine. But pray for the strikers and union – whether you agree with them or not. It’s a really horrible position to be in.
Trust me, I know.
I went and looked for my union entries from three years ago when Poe was effected. Here’s one of them (really any from that 6 month period). But then I found this entry right smack in there too. DUDE? Does history repeat itself every three years?? SPOOKY.
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