So. Headless Mom has passed to me an award. It’s my second in all the years I’ve been blogging, so I must say thank you. It’s always wonderful to be acknowledged. I had the pleasure of meeting Headless Mom at BlogHer last year – she was passing out headless dolls, as I recall. And she still reads me. So, I must not have made too terrible an impression!
So – the award – Making Lemons out of Lemonade
This award comes with a few rules: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show GREAT ATTITUDE and/or GRATITUDE! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Now the hard part – Passing it on. These blogs really don’t have anything in common. Some are popular, some aren’t. Some are Christian, some aren’t. Some curse, some don’t. But I find each of these bloggers compelling for some reason – in all their differences.
- Steph at Adventures in Babywearing for her indomitable spirit.
- Angela at Bring the Rain for her grace and heart in sharing her daughter’s story.
- Kelly at Generation Cedar for never wavering in her principles.
- Ree at The Pioneer Woman who exudes the gratitude she has for the life she leads in every post and picture.
- Stacy at Your Sacred Calling for the calm, focused and true way she lives her life pointed at God.
- Tanis at Attack of the Redneck Mommy for the ferociousness in which she loves and fights for her kids and husband.
- Crystal at Boobs, Injuries, and Dr. Pepper for the great attitude she has through all she’s been through.
- Allison at Mrs. Fussypants for her indomitable spirit through the last couple of years.
- Oh, the Joys for the attitude she shows about and to her children.
- Megan at Velveteen Mind for her constancy (even if she IS a fan of the blogging hiatus.)
Of course this isn’t everyone – I read hundreds of feeds. But it’s a start for now. Thank you to them for their thoughts, wishes, dreams, and the urge to share them with everyone.
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