Pardon the slight radio silence… Had a technical glitch which has been fixed.
In keeping with the questions asked (which you totally can still do… Ask away) I have the questions asked by Mickey.
What helped you battle your drug addiction? What keeps you up?
What helped me battle… It is a hard question. I never actually participated in a rehab program of any sort. What happened, is in the span of 3 days:
- I found out that a drug dealer was after me for the bad debt of my ex-boyfriend (mistakenly believing the ex would care.)
- Left my apartment because those I lived with left, and I couldn’t stand those who moved in.
- Started for Northern California with my brother, and a hundred bucks in my pocket and all my worldly possessions.
I didn’t actually MEAN to get clean. But leaving L.A. meant the dealer after me would forget about me. And moving 350 miles away meant that I didn’t know a soul – including those that could give me drugs.
I lived in a church dormitory. A friend was living there, and they decided to give me a break. Possibly the best thing that ever happened to me. There was no privacy. We literally had cubicles (like in an office), and shared a bathroom and showers (although we had individual curtains. Boys separate from girls. And that’s where I went through withdrawals. I’m not sure I even knew what they were at the time. I just remember that one girl asked me to go to church with her every couple of days – other than that they left me alone. I suspect they were keeping an eye on me, but didn’t want to intervene unless needed.
After that – it was fairly easy. I still thought about speed pretty much all the time, but didn’t know how to get it. I was in a strange city, with no car, and no clue the place to go. So I used the opportunity.
There was one after effect that I had a hard time with, which was insomnia. My longest go on speed was no sleep or food for 12 days. I drank water, but I didn’t want food – it grossed me out when I was high on meth. But my usual was about 48 hours up, sleep, 48 hours up, sleep. Well, my nocturnal clock was all messed up, so even though I wasn’t chemically stimulated I still couldn’t sleep! I had finally found a job at a drug store (ha! – I’m so not kidding!) and they had these cd’s on sale… Sort of like musak, but really good. Instrumentals. Anyway I would listen to that cd at bedtime, and ONLY at bedtime… Eventually I was able to “cue” myself to going to sleep. To this day, I still have the CD (over a decade later) and it is still relaxing to me. It was another 3 and a half years up north, and then we moved back here. By then, I’d met and married my husband, and had my first child. I have no interest in screwing up my life. I know no one who could get it for me. I’ve been clean since October of 1997.
And she had another question – unrelated I think:
To quote Father Arrupe, have you ever fallen in love, a love that makes you wake up in the morning excited for the day?
Yes. I have. I’m still in love with my husband. Although, I think it’s grown to a more mature, and all encompassing love than that first swooning infatuation. He was not my first love, however (he knows this.) I was in love twice before. Both, however, I believe I lost me in it. But most definitely it was love. But Oh my Gosh was it destructive. With Poe, however, it’s a strong, committed, respectful, honest, two way, fun, breathtaking kind of love. It was fast. But we just plain knew. And now we’re over the decade hump – and yes I would marry him again.
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