I’ve been very busy, which everyone is, I know. There’s lots on the horizon for us, which is, to say the least, scary. All potentially good, all change, all scary to me. As a result, my brain is scattered. This right here? Talking about the scattered? Hard for me to concentrate on. Because of the scattered.
Let’s see. Maybe a list form update on each area would suffice for today, hmmm?
Joseph: Doing really really really well with therapy. We have another IEP meeting this Friday for an update. He also keeps losing the teeth so fast I would swear he’s using it as income. His anger levels have come down to such that we can talk him down in almost every situation. I said almost, and I mean we’re in progress. Light years ahead of last year though.
Logan: I never know what to say about the little bugger. He’s a ray of sunshine with a dollup of thunder showers. Smart as a whip. And trust me, HE is the one we’re going to have to “watch” – not Joseph. He starts Kindergarten in September, and I’m not ready. I think he’s more than ready intellectually. But then there are glimpses… Where I know in a lot of ways he’s still a baby at heart. And I don’t want to lose that yet – He’s my last child. My last baby. I don’t want him to grow up yet – but he will. This’ll be the year. I could cry. But that’s my problem not his.
Poe: Turned permanent in a new job with a big raise and promotion from what his old job was. This is VERY VERY good for him. It’s very challenging for him, as he’s now an engineer, rather than a designer and all around technical guy. So he’s using math he’s not used since college. But he’s coming through with flying colors. This has the potential to be huge for our family.
Me: Work is work. Big things potentially on the horizon a couple of years from now there. Not writing as much as I would like. My brain is feeling to scattered (I may have mentioned that) to come up with organized thought for too long of periods.
Mom: Excited about the move (which I’ll mention below). Should be in a convalescent hospital for rehab, but won’t go – meaning my father is bearing the brunt of everything (running his house, and caring for all her needs). I’m more than a little pissed at her for that. Because she put her mom in a convalescent home for rehab after cancer treatment. Which was a good thing! But she did so she wouldn’t have to bear the brunt of everything necessary. I get that! Better care = faster recovery in my opinion. But let’s face it – that made things easier on her. However, she did not allow my father that reprieve, and now is making all kinds of demands before the move, that he cannot possibly undertake while taking care of her. Period. I love her. I know we almost lost her. But by God she drives me insane. And my dad to drink.
The Move: Note the capitals? Dun dun duuuuuuuuuunnnnnn. OK. Here’s the idea. My mother made my father promise that they would move and we would get their house so the kids could their own rooms – on her deathbed. He promised. Then she lived. Which she fully intended to do thankyouverymuch. He tried to back out. She laid the MOTHER of all guilt trips, as only a wife and mother can. “I was on my DEATH BED and you’re backing out of your PROMISE??” So yeah. We’re moving. Only moving away was just too much for my father to handle. There’s a little town not too far (maybe an hour) away that he would like to live, and get some acreage, but that’s just too big a step for him right now. So. Probably next month we’re moving… Ugh and the date is dependent on certain people I won’t mention because it just pisses me off… We’re trading houses. Which makes sense in a way. The boys get their own room. FinalllythankyouGod. And we’ll have the office separate from the living room. And we’ll have a table and chairs at which to eat. Which we haven’t had in 9 years of marriage. I mean my parents house is double the footage, with half the people. Plus the smaller house we’re in will probably be better for my mom’s getting around. All that being said and it still just feels STRANGE. I grew up in the house we’re moving into. And yet it’ll be so good! Bah. Mixed emotions. I think it’ll take a long time for me to get used to having sex in that house. Not that I won’t. But it’ll be weird. I’ve never done that before.
So needless to say with the doctors, and the packing, and the end of school activities, and the mother sick, and did I mention packing?
I’m scattered.
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