I haven’t been around the blog in a while. I keep avoiding the issue. I keep saying to myself, “I don’t want to whine about the same old stuff.” That’s bullshit. I’m censoring myself. It’s a combo deal. I found out some family is reading. I’ve been concentrating on work stuff. And I have wanted to avoid politics after the spanking I received from some people via email during the election period basically saying that I was entitled to my opinion but that my opinion was wrong and therefore I’m an evil person. SO.
I’m going to be making a concerted effort. I’m going to write. Even if it’s due to a manufactured prompt. I won’t cross certain lines – mainly some familial lines. But if politics is pissing me off, I’ll say why. Because this is my journal and I don’t have to be fair. I don’t have to show impartiality. I do not claim to be a journalist. I write. I am a writer. I’m earning my living writing. But I don’t claim to be a journalist. If something is cropping up, and my religious beliefs (and therefore many of my morals) start blinking little red *danger* lights in my head, I want to say something.
I’m tired of being scared of others’ opinions of me.
I’m tired of being scared that someone will be mad at me.
I’m tired of being scared that someone will be mean or call me names.
Another blogger wrote some things that were very clarifying for me. When I get my act together in some sort of comprehensible manner, I’ll write about it, and her post.
I need to consider this a fresh start.
This probably means I’m going to redesign the site. Sigh.
I think everyone should feel free to express their political view. My parents like Obama. I likED Obama, but not so much now. We can have a heated discussion, yet leave it out of relationships. I’m glad there ARE differing opinions…otherwise the world would be BORING. Say it loud, say it proud, whatever it is. What IS it, BTW? *wink*