It’s rough right now. I don’t deny it.
Cobra sucks. Sucks the life right outta you. For example. The bill I JUST received is about $1500. Except that was for March and April. Which means that our insurance thinks we’re still uninsured, because they require ANOTHER 30 days to process. It’s all a stupid pay out of pocket and someday get paid back system.
Plus, we qualify for a 65% reduction per the recovery act. Great! Good luck applying for it. The application notice says to do it online. Online it says to mail it. I’ve been on hold for the last hour (currently on speaker phone hold as I write) for 45 minutes. And counting.
I wanted to get Poe’s teeth fixed in preparation for potential interviews. Except I can’t find a dentist on our insurance, because according to them we’re not insured, and therefore can’t use the “find a dentist” feature. Except that I paid premiums for the last 2 months.
Paying money. For a service. That we may have used – IN THE PAST – and already paid out of pocket for.
I’m so confused and confuddled.
Hello! Just read your piece from 4/1…Giant hugs. Yeah, I hear you loud and clear…
As far as COBRA- do you pay your payment to an admin company (not direct to the health insurance company)? We have been on COBRA since July and every month we show up as uninsured (even though we paid weeks in advance)- found another friend is going through the same thing (trying to find out if it’s just a CIGNA health insurance thing but I seem to remember the same scenario last time we used cobra- and the processor and insurance were different)….
I typically send the admin company an email or I make hubby call them 24 hours after submitting payment and tell them to send an urgent update file with our information (on occasion I have to make 3 requests -one for each family member)… That usually prevents the problem…
As far as the subsidy- I can’t offer any suggestions on that whatsoever (hubby lost his job a month before the start date of the program)…
Good luck… Sucks that we have to jump through these hoops…
Like we don’t have enough on our plates!