My apologies to anyone who has a delicate constitution… But this week has been a clusterfuck of epic proportions.
Let’s see, where to begin?
To give the week context, for this entire week I’ve been working with a new client. I’ve been working with them for a while, but this week was the largest scale project I’ve done with them thus far. I’ve got to get three men to two different cities on both coasts in the next two weeks. Plus their 20 some odd meetings with Very Important People. One man is in all of them, and it’s a crapshoot if the other two are in the meetings. Which means I’m doing their travel arrangements, plus arranging the schedules of 23 individuals. Can I do it? Yes, I can. It’s why I’m a damn great assistant. However, it is time consuming and frustrating. And today’s the last work day before the first trip – and I’ve been working on this all week.
ON TOP OF THAT, which I have to do GREAT so I don’t lose the client (remember my husband’s unemployed?) all of this happened this week alone.
My husband had major dental surgery. For some genetic reasons, Poe had every single one of his teeth pulled. At once. And got dentures. At the same time. Of course I had to be there to drive him home, and then care for him after something so majorly traumatic. And the surgery took triple the time they said it would, which means I was completely panicked. He doesn’t respond well to anesthesia, and it was bloody and gory and full of really powerful medications. Ultimately, the kids spent the night at my best friend’s so they wouldn’t have to witness it. On a school night for one of them, which of course presents it’s own ramifications. That was Monday. It’s now Friday, and he’s doing much better, taking less of the medications, and seems to be healing well in his incisions. His dentures still aren’t fitting quite right, so he goes back for another fitting today. Which makes two in three days. So he’s definitely not up to par as of yet, and eating is a significant challenge. I continually ask him to say “sixty six” because I’m evil. No not really, it’s because he needs to learn how to talk again.
Also this week? A power outage. Which means I had no router. Which means I couldn’t access the internet. Which means I couldn’t work during this big client project. Luckily it only lasted a couple of hours.
And then? My computer died. Due to a Microsoft general update. Luckily I was able to use a restore point to get it back.
And then? My iPhone started fritzing. I fixed it (an app was apparently pissed off.) Annoying, since that’s my connection to the outside work world when my computer doesn’t work (see above.)
Somewhere in here my oldest lost another tooth, and a visit from the tooth fairy was in order. Thank goodness I didn’t screw that up too.
Also in there is a kid in his last full week of school with ants in his pants in the midst of a major allergy attack, plus a kid who’s out for summer vacation which makes working SO MUCH EASIER. That was sarcasm.
And finally, yesterday… My mom and dad came home from Las Vegas where they were taking my aunt to the doctor (or were until she canceled the appointment making the trip unnecessary but they were already there). And my mother came home, got her pertinent stuff with my and Poe’s help, and then she went back into the hospital. God I’ve got a great husband. This is the third time he’s carried her to the car for a trip to the hospital (my dad’s had back surgery.) She’s bleeding again. For no known reason, and they can’t find the source. Again. She’s still there. They’re giving her a unit of blood as I write, and then she’ll be having another endoscopy. Her 13th. Because they’re sure they’ll find something this time.
And today, I can’t be at the hospital because I have to finish this client work. Because I am responsible, and they’re counting on me, and so are my other clients. And then Poe has another dentist appointment, and I’ll have Joseph. And then we have to go to an end of school picnic, because it’s important to Logan. While I field random calls from my father about inconsequential things because my mom isn’t terribly coherent and he’s bored and scared all at the same time.
Provided nothing drastic happens in the meantime, we’re going camping a week from Tuesday, and then I have a girl’s weekend in Palm Springs with my best friend and some friends from high school. I’m not sure when I’ve needed a vacation more. And today? I really really really need to not be asked for more of me. I’m not sure how much I have left to give. I’m on empty.
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