So. Today is a bad day. Let me illustrate:
- 11pm – 2:30 am: Cant’s sleep
- 5:30am: Alarm goes off
- 6:30am: No shirts fit – I am apparently having a fat day. Change 3 times. Joseph on couch, “What’s wrong with mommy?” Jay, “Women just do that.”
- 7:30am: IEP meeting with everyone and their mother at Joseph’s school. Concensus: Yes, Joseph will be going on to first grade. That’s the good news. However, his frustration seems to be an intense anxiety and nervousness because he can’t learn. His comprehension is way off. Actual question: What is a clock? Joseph’s answer: it’s 7 O’clock. Question: OK, but what IS a clock? Joseph’s answer: “OKAY, it’s 7:30, ALL RIGHT?” The result of this is he’ll be in special Ed for summer school with three seperate therapists. Then, in the fall, he’ll be in a regular 1st grade class, along with 3 seperate therapies with three therapists in special Ed, plus counseling. Actually, I really do think all this will help him, as he’s reading at a pre-K level. And that’s AFTER all the progress he’s made this year. There will also be a behavioral plan put in place due to his explosions.
- 9:00am: Get out of meeting. Realize that the “1/2 hour meeting” took 1 1/2 hours. Call boss – am late to work. Really didn’t want to be late, as I’m taking one day off for Joseph’s last day, and then I have flex hours on Friday.
- 9-9:20am: Drive to work while calling mom in Missouri. New plan! Joseph has to take summer school, and I have no child care!! Can grandma step in?? Need to know today!! Call Stacey – did daughter have learning issues? Need to know today!!
- 9:20am: Arrive at work. Promptly lock keys in car, along with groceries that need refrigeration (but obviously not anymore since the damn meeting took 1 1/2 hours).
- 9:22am: Walk into work, get key to my office from another exec asst. Go to get milk for my coffee and get knocked to the ground my the smell coming from my fridge. They (after a year of asking) cleaned my carpet over the weekend. They unplugged the fridge for the machine, and never plugged it back it. So – rotten food and milk. As of 1pm, the custodian still has not come to clean it, which means we cannot open it – the smell goes through the whole office otherwise.
- 9:30am: Call Jay. Tell him about keys, since he’s home today. Can he look for them?
- 9:40am: Call Jay again. No he can’t find them. Can’t I just call AAA? I promptly burst into tears. “I’ll look for them! I swear!”
He finally found them and brought them to me. Which was lovely. But the day is still young.
I hope wherever you are it’s early enough that you can curl up with a book, veg with your favorite show, or just get to bed early. Hope the rest of the week is better!