Oy. Poe is up for a job. This is GOOD. He had a pre-interview over the phone. Went well. Went in for an actual interview. Went great. Now they’ve asked for a portfolio – anything that can be sent at all? You see Poe had his portfolio of personal drawings stolen. And all his work for companies has been company intellectual property. So, we cobbled some stuff together and sent it (along with the explanation.) In addition we found some online galleries with the locations clearly labeled so Poe knew what was HIS previous work, and we were able to pass that on as well.
I think they really want him. But they’ve never gone into this computer thing before, they’ve only done hand drawn. And the software as well as other components are about $10,000. That does not include the cost of Poe himself. So, I think they’re trying to justify the cost of going this route in the first place, not to mention Poe himself.
Worst is, we still don’t know any details of salary or benefits yet – both of which are important points for us. You think?
And so we wait. One thing I have to say, though, is they move very fast. None of this terrible waiting on HR. The guy who owns the company emailed Wednesday night. Poe called Thursday morning. Owner called back Thursday night. Interview in person Friday, with a promise to call on Monday. However, we sent some software pricing information on Friday night. And they called Monday morning (today) at 8am. Sheesh. Cobbled the portfolio together, condensed the files and as of 10 am knew they were in the right hands.
In case you haven’t been in the world of job hunting or Human Resources, lately – that’s FAST. Which in my opinion is a good thing – it means they want to make a decision, and won’t hem and haw about it. It also means they’re communicative, and they also follow through. So – while he may not get the job – I think we’ll know about it, they won’t leave us hanging, and we’ll know why. Conversely, if he does get the job, it’ll be soon.
I don’t have much else to say. Basically the job hunt is sucking up all the brain cells in my head lately. That and the kids are in their final two weeks of school, and this is scaring me.
*crosses fingers for new job*
Crossing my fingers and toes and hoping for good luck!