The renter for the week is I Am Jack’s Raging Mommy, written by – well – Jack’s raging mommy.
When I first saw the site with the rest of the bids I immediately took her bid. I had to. Fight Club is one of Poe’s favorite movies, and I got the reference as soon as I saw her title. And second, I could see in her thumbnail that I loved the colors of her design, which would make it easy for me to physically read. I actually rented to her before I read her content.
But then I did. Read her content, that is. Turns out I like both the way she writes and what she writes about. So? Not only is she a renter, but has made it onto my blogroll as well. Go see her! You’ll be glad you did.
I usually check a person’s site before I put my bid in to make sure that my content wont freak them out, so I’m glad you get my “humor” (read:insanity)
Thanks for the add too!