I am insane.
I’m going to be doing NaBloPoMo.
I’ve got a few things going on.
November 1st is the launch of my business.
November 4th is the election.
November 13th, WOTLK comes out.
November 14th is my last day at my day job.
November 21st is the kids’ last day at daycare.
November 27th is Thanksgiving.
Then there will of course be the aftermath of the election, the resulting chaos of figuring out how to be home, the aftermath of figuring out my business. I figure there will be plenty of blog fodder to keep me going.
But this may just be a case of my truly being insane.
Cathy says
Best of luck with your new business and with NaBloPoMo – I have signed up for the first time! I’ve been reading a number of blogs and seems all who have joined up think they are crazy! haha