All day today I’ve been pissy. Well… Bitchy would be a better term. Screeching and such. Every little thing a major annoyance. Perturbed. The kind of day where in the span of a half hour you drop everything you touch, you get a couple of papercuts, and then you spill water all over the inside of your truck.
I couldn’t figure out why I didn’t have peace. I kept praying – because this was awful. Just awful. Nothing had happened to warrant this. Usually some serious things need to go wrong for me to have this kind of attitude.
And then I got real tired.
And then I craved chocolate.
And then the light bulb went on. Dude, I hate PMS.
I’m personally hoping that it has something to do with Tuesday and April 1st and all of that because being pregnant I can’t technically claim PMS and boy was I in that mood yesterday.
Cass’s last blog post..Allow me to introuce my second personality.
Too true, too true!!
Daisy’s last blog post..Walk on, Girlfriend!
I have that same “AHA!” moment approximately every 30 days 😉
Angella’s last blog post..Wordless Wednesday: The Tankini Edition