Life is kicking me in the behind right now.
I have a new client, and that’s a great thing, because it means I’m bringing in a small amount of money. And also? Time consuming. That’s been taking up a portion of my brain activity.
We’re still working on the house and various reconstruction. That chaos is taking up a portion of my brain activity. And time.
Logan is going into reader intervention. Brain activity consumed.
Joseph is struggling more than ever and I’m considering homeschooling. SEVERE BRAIN ACTIVITY CONSUMED.
I’m just… Overwhelmed. Consumed. Fed up. Trying to keep my head above water before I drown.
And to top it all off, I can’t attend Blissdom. The money simply isn’t there, and I just don’t see it coming in. This really disappoints me. I write for Blissfully Domestic! I’m part of the One2One Network! I also enjoy it a lot more than BlogHer because it’s a bit more intimate. The only way to make it would be if they wanted me to speak or a sponsorship came through. But I’m too busy hustling my business and surviving our lives right now – I don’t even know how to go about finding a sponsorship. And unless it was a panel on virtual assistance or special needs or just blogging longevity, then I’m out. I’m not a marketing expert. I’m not, well, anything really except here. Present!
I configure beautiful blog posts in my head. And then promptly forget them 3 minutes later.
I’ve GOT to start writing that stuff down, so I can stop writing entries like these.
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