Tomorrow I plan on doing my Word Goddess entry of “In the Life…” I’ll do a day in the life photo entry. I was GOING to do a picture a day for the whole month, which started out great, until we were down with the flu for a full week. So that idea got shot to hell. Oh well. I’ll try to do a whole day in pictures kind of thing tomorrow, and post it the next day.
So, in list form, my day. And why I sometimes wish I was alone on a beach.
Before work: Joseph tries to set the house on fire. This is a first, and I’m not even dressed yet. He’s grounded, and we’re signing him up for a fire awareness program though the local fire department. And my expensive pajamas have a hole in them.
At work: Find out that my boss will not be in again this morning and I will have to be her.
Convince a music supervisor that we will NOT be paying for something. Convine him he must talk to an executive ’cause no – I really know what I’m talking about and we’re not paying for it. (He did and I was right HA!)
Get no work done since I was dealing with travel fires (and all day yesterday).
After lunch: Realize that I have not sent in the school newletter for printing that I should have sent to the printer last night.
Get a call from Poe that his work will not let him leave early. This is a problem of major proportions and consequence in our lives. His work location moved buildings to another town. One in which he cannot get back to pick up the kids their two daycares in time. Therefore he needs to leave at 4:30pm each day instead of 5pm. You know, taking a half hour lunch instead of an hour (which he already does and doesn’t get paid for). The answer is no, and he has to put in his resignation, and we’ll figure something out in the two week notice period.
Drive home from work to fix and send the newsletter, since they can’t wait until tonight to make the printing deadline, and I don’t have the software on my work computer. Of course I’ve already had lunch, so now this is time off the clock, dammit. Drive back to work.
Call my mom and tell her we’re screwed. She says she and dad will pick up the kids – even though they travel each month (we’ll pay someone to pick them up!) Unacceptable. She doesn’t want to admit that.
Get another call from Poe, that the entire office went to bat for him, as they don’t know what they’ll do without him. He’s tentatively got his schedule change.
Call mom and call off the dogs.
Get ready to leave work for the day and get a call from the principal that Joseph has threatened another child with stabbing her, and then threatened yet another boy with actual scissors. He’s not on in-school suspension when I told her that 1) I can’t take time off work for regular suspension ’cause I’m already taking time off for the IEP next week. and 2) Hello! He hates school and me telling him not to go is NOT punishment no matter how much she thinks it is. Stay on the phone for 45 minutes and end up crying while trying desperately not to let her know I’m crying.
Wipe my nose (from the crying) and realize I’ve given myself a nosebleed.
Drive home. Cry some more in the car.
Clean up kitchen while Poe makes dinner. He tells me to try and see on the budget if we can make it on my salary alone. He wants to be a stay-at-home dad. I go look (I do the money) while he finishes dinner.
He gets call that in May his father will be going in for delicate neck surgery in May.
The answer to the budget question is HELLNO!
Eat dinner. Banter about the working at night question. Remind him of what life was like when we did that for 5 years already. HELLNO!
Put kids to bed. And now is downtime. Am fully prepared for major earthquake or wildfire before bed.
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