My best friend just called me this morning. Next year, she wants me to become a partner with her in a franchise. It’s an intriguing possibility. I definitely could save the money up. That’s not the issue. Do I want to be part of this franchise… Which has NOTHING to do with blogging or the online world – except in a marketing capacity. Do I want to be in business with my friend? Do I want to attempt this? Can I do it and quit my job? is this something I just want to say JUMP? I don’t know.
I’m praying. Poe’s praying.
There’s a lot of uncertainty in the air at my house. The winds of change on the horizon I guess. I just wonder how it’ll all work together, you know? But on the other hand, I know the absolute end of the story, so. So.
Perhaps this is my chance to go home sooner?
But to do that and have it fail, when I had “security” in my job?
But then again – my kids need me?
I don’t have to make a decision now. I think the best thing to do is continue on my attempts to live off Poe’s paycheck, and start saving for this, should we decide it’s a go, and then continue my snowflaking other stuff.
Indecision makes my stomach churn.
Annika says
Yikes! Big decisions are so exciting and so scary.
Annikas last blog post..Dolly’s new look