We are terrible parents. Seriously.
I went everywhere with my parents. As a result, I’m well traveled.
We have not done the same with our kids. Let’s see… Two trips up north for Christmas with relatives (relative holidays so do not count – that’s not a vacation,) one overnight in the desert with school. Yeah – the big vacation? Field trip. To be fair, the kids are only 5 & 7, and money for us has been a serious issue. Poe and I have taken a couple weekenders to be by ourselves. And by “a couple” I mean two. In 9 1/2 years of marriage, not counting the honeymoon.
We have a road trip coming. Another holiday Christmas jaunt up north. Again – not a vacation, but certainly travel. I’m not entirely sure what I’m going to do to make this easier on us. But both kids have been pretty good about long times in the car. I think I’m going to invest in one of those portable in-car dvd players for the trip (roadtrips only, not for every day use.) A gal in my office told me to get the kind that have the separate earphones, so I’ll take her advice on that. Other than entertainment, I think we’ll be fine. They’re excited to go, we stop often for snacks and stretching and potty (not for them – for us two parents with bad backs and knees,) so I think we’ll be fine. As long as I don’t forget the presents.
That would be very very bad.
So – I need help from you all. I don’t know what to look for – you know like keywords here… I know I want the ability for them both to watch at the same time with their own headphones… What would a description say for that? What kind of inches should the screen be? Any product recommendations from those that have gone before me?
This entry part of the PBN blog blast contest hosted by PickPackGo.
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