Possibly most embarrassing moment of my career.
I’m sort of in charge of the electric cart for our part of our division. Anyway – someone in the department ratted out someone else that it was parked in a red zone and had trash in it. Red zone is bad. You see even though we’re on a lot, the tickets one gets are the same as any other traffic infraction, by the city. So we could actually be ticketed on our electric cart. Do YOU want to go to court on that one? I don’t.
So that means I have to go move it. I hustle out there. Only it wasn’t parked in a red zone, it was parked in the personal parking space of a well known producer, who – um – has a show every single one of you has heard of. So – basically – big dude on campus. And he pulled up while I was there wanting to park in his spot (go figure). As an aside, no he couldn’t go park somewhere else. Parking here is regulated. We’re each assigned a spot, and if something happens, you’re out of luck.
And the cart hadn’t been plugged in. So, you know, it wouldn’t move. So I pushed it. There I am – pushing a damn cart out of the way of the big producer’s car. Luckily the producer in question is and always has been a very very gracious man, so I made the proper apologies, and he was very nice about it. There are many producers who would have had my job – yes they can be that bad.
Probably my most embarrassing moment to date. Perhaps you ened to have worked in the studio system to realize that, but really. At least I haven’t screwed anything up.
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