I am absolutely discombobulated!! I took that time for Jeannette, and you would think the sky had fallen. Dude. You** REALLY REALLY can live without me. I mean it’s nice to be needed and all, but it’s Thursday and I’m still not caught up. And your calling me every hour to see if your stuff is done? “Well, you’re back now.” Does NOT make things happen faster. I know it may seem very very important to you, but since I’m working with over 30 films in various stages of production, and managing about $30 million worth of budgets, you’re just gonna have to wait your turn Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit. For fuck’s sake get over yourself. Have I EVER let you down? No? Then get off my back.
** This is the Universal You. You encompasses about 15 individuals that have their heads up their asses.
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