I am an organized woman. I’m an organized wife, mother, daughter, and business owner. I have to be. I run the household and there’s 4 (5 when you count my dad) people to manage, and none of them are particularly organized. There’s a dance between weird work schedules (Poe works nights, I work days), kids going to school, homework, chores, housework, family dinners (to make my dad feel included), finances, and extracurriculars. I’m good at it.
Here’s what a typical Friday schedule is:
5:30am – I get up.
6:00am – I get kids up to get ready for fed, clean, ready for school.
6:55am – Take both kids (Poe’s still at work) to drop Logan off at before-school percussion class.
7:30am – Cab comes for Joseph to go to school.
7:30-isham – Poe comes home from work.
7:50am – I go back to school dropoff to switch Logan’s drumkit with his backpack
In between the above and until 9am – housework, picking up, laundry, dishes, feeding pets etc.
9am-2:20pm – workworkworkmeetingwork. Maybe remember to eat something, and hope no crises with kids come up. Poe is sleeping at this time.
2:20pm – Pickup Logan from school (In actuality sitting in carline)
3pm – Pickup Logan, then snack, chores, homework at 4 – Poe handles homework. I’m back at work.
3 – 5pm – workworkwork “IS THERE BLOOD? NO? I’M WORKING”
5pm – End work, start dinner. That I probably cook.
7pm – Poe goes back to sleep for a nap before work.
Everything’s up in the air then, until the kids have quiet time at 8:30pm and bed at 9pm.
10:15pm – Poe goes to work.
I sleep sometime after that.
Up in there are things like showers and medications, and of course fitting in things like doctors and such.
This morning? I set my alarm. I was sitting right here when I did it. I don’t know what happened. But around 7:35am my husband walked into the bedroom laughing his fool head off and Logan was saying, “Oh NOoooooo.” The cab was honking, and no one was dressed or fed, and Logan missed his percussion class. As I sit here, it’s 1/2 hour before work and I’ve not done a darn thing.
All because of a missed alarm.
Today is a Mommy-Fail day.
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