Another big fight with Joseph today. Ugg! We eventually made up – but that boy has no respect for authority. No rebellion, just if it’s not what he wants to do, forget it. I’m sorry, but me getting gas before taking him to school outranks watching the end of Archie. Period. It’s not like I don’t get gas every single Friday of our lives, so this isn’t a surprise. Everything has to be a fight, or yelling at me with him. Really – I think it started with him just being grumpy getting out of bed.
I suppose offering him a cup of coffee is out of the question.
I get to go home at 1pm from work today to start off the holiday weekend. I think I’ll go home and get a jump on the weekend’s paperwork, so I don’t have to do so much tomorrow, which will make my Saturday better.
Bills suck. You heard it here first.
So – Jay’s blog is up and running. I’ll post a linky here one more time.
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