So… I just did my timecard. Last week clocked 52 hours. I suppose 12 hours at time 1/2 is good. But dude. Getting phone calls at midnight on Thursday nights isn’t my idea of a good time. Nor is calling London on my home phone on the weekends. There’s an expense report in my future.
Of course the project isn’t yet over by far.
Then Poe & Joseph got a stomach bug over night. They’re tag teaming the puking. We have such a small house that you can hear everything. So one hears the other, and it starts the next one up. So I try to call in sick to work today – because Poe can’t help Joseph with his own head in the bowl. But my boss is sick too. So I need to cover the office anyway.
And to top it all off, got my period, which we all know makes me an ecstatically beautiful person to be around.
And YOU try making changes to someone’s travel halfway around the world when your network is down. I can sit and write an entry – but can’t get into the travel website.
I blame Jeannette.
Everything started going downhill when she died.
Remember that letter I wrote her? Yeah. She’s now fired.
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