I’m tired. I’m so very very tired.
As Logan says at night – “It’s so very very dark out here.”
I hear ya kid.
How much longer? I’m drained. Nothing feels right. Nothing is going right. I’m exhausted and slightly sick all the time. Everything feels so wrong. So here’s an open letter. To several people.
I love you Poe, but you’re draining me with the important stuff not getting done. I’m determined to not be your mother, and yet, I still reap the consequences. Or I can nag you or do it myself. I’ll still reap the consequences. I feel like I cannot win. Honey I’m tired.
And yes, you CAN go to jail for skipping out on jury duty.
(and yes, Poe reads this, and yes, he knows all this already)
Joseph. Dear God, son, what do we need to do with you? Getting picked up from your field trip by the principal? Running from the group and hiding in the acres of forests and gardens? What were you thinking? What if someone ELSE other than the gardener found you? My God. But you don’t care about that. All you care about is the fact that you didn’t get your way, and us mean adults have stopped you from it. Oh. And by the way? You’ve been banned from field trips unless me or daddy take TIME OFF WORK to come and escort you. You know, in addition to all the conferences at stupid hours, and IEP’s, and all the other stuff we already take time off work for for you to attend one of the best public schools in the nation. Stupid Job. Oh yeah – it pays the health insurance. Sorry, gotta keep it. Son, I’m tired.
Logan, honey? Canyoujuststoptalkingpleaseforjustaminutehoneyi’mtiredgoodlord.
And Self. Dude. No, self, I don’t know when it’s gonna get better. I don’t know if it’s gonna get better, ’cause it hasn’t yet, has it? You’re fat. You’re out of shape. You’re stressed to the max. The house could do with some cleaning and beautifying. And you’re poor. There’s issues with the husband. There’s issues with the kids. There’s issues with the getting-elderly parents next door.
I don’t know what to do about it either, self. I really don’t.
Gotta go – can’t start crying at work. Would be unprofessional you know.
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