Right on Cute Overload… Right ON.
Today is a new day
We have so many things pressing down on us……
But we’re grownups. We make a good living (although where it all goes I don’t know,) we’re medically insured, we have shelter and clothing.
We’ll get through this too – just need a plan. A plan is in the works, my friends.
It just goes on
So. All those plumbing problems were fixed this weekend by Poe and my father. Yay! Right?
This morning, there was no hot water.
Every survival kit should include a sense of humor.
— Author Unknown
Shut Yer Trap
OK. So I smoke. I know that. You know that.
Terrible habit – I know – blah blah blah. Walk a mile in my shoes is all I can say to that.
But guess what. You, Mr. Stranger I’ve never seen before have absolutely no right to walk up to me while I’m smoking in MY office area where I’m allowed to smoke, minding my business, reading my book, and tell me I should quit.
Gee? You think? I didn’t know! And SURELY I will now that YOU’VE told me so!
I think I’m getting my money back. Within 10 days of course. Which I think is patently ridiculous considering my rent check bounced due to this shit.
I’ll be getting my money back from PayPal. Then I have to transfer it into my bank account.
I canceled my card, but I have to go IN to the bank to get a new one. Which sucks, ’cause I can’t do it until Saturday – hello! I work! But they’re making me go in, ’cause I moved within the last 30 days. Whatever. I answered all your stupid security questions, therefore you should do it. But NOOOOOO. Ugg I hate this.
I so didn’t need this. Really. But hey – I can finally take a shower.
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