The bad things that come when you decide you’re going to do somthing God wants you to do:
- Your husband loses his mind and buys unneeded game items.
- Your husband’s car loses it’s alternator. Still waiting to find out the cost on that one.
- Your potentional replacement employee (you know… The one that’ll let you get out of your notice earlier?) is in a major accident, totalling his car and sustaining head trauma. Thank God his daughter wasn’t in the car at the time.
- Your parents see all of this and think you’re DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED, and absolutely crazy to try it.
- And then I come home at night and know that I’ve got nothing left to give my children. So – I will not be defeated. I’m coming home.
Good for you! It always seems to happen, that when we make a radical change, we are then tested! Yey for continuing on with your decision, and not letting the challenges defeat you.
HeatherRainbows last blog post..Protected: Healing Journey