So, there are those out there who say I shouldn’t be doing what it is I do. What? Oh, that would be writing about my life. You see, I’m exploiting my children. And they’ll hate me for it. And I’m profiting off of my website, and therefore, I’m profiting off of my children. And I’m invading their privacy.
Let’s get a few things straight.
Wanna know how much I make? It’s ok, I’m alright about transparency…
I make about $15 a month in advertising. I also make about $40 a month total from my Stars and Special Needs sites. That’s paid blogging right there, folks. On the flip side, I pay about $15 a month for hosting – but whenever there’s a change. Like needing more bandwidth, there’s a fee. I’ve spent $100 in fees in the last couple of months. Oh, and if I have a problem or re-design, it’s anywhere from $25 to $200 a pop.
Yeah – I’m simply ROLLING in the dough.
And before you say I’m just waiting to hit it big? Think this is my big break? I’ve been writing online since 1994. Yeah. 14 years. Ftp, notepad, and aol server space ftw! Remember geocities? and changing every single page individually and ftping every single page individually? every day?
So – I’m not waiting for my big break here, peeps.
This is my journal. Mine. If someone takes an interest, and I end up with a product, or something, or GASP! actual money? I say, Go Me! This is still my journal. Is it a business? Sure, it can be. I think my opinion and thoughts are worth something, yes.
Also – let’s make something clear. The children? Those kids? Those sons I love more than life itself? They came into MY life, sweethearts! Not the other way around. I do not exist solely to serve them. I do it. I do it gladly. And no matter what I think when I’m at my worst, those kids are good, polite, have good moral fiber, and aside from their congenital abnormalities – healthy. In other words – I’m a good mother if their example is to be believed. But they are part of my existence right now. And I will write about them. Just as I talk about them. just as I experience them.
I don’t think it’s dangerous.
I don’t think they’ll be harmed any more than their natural abhorrence of all things parent will harm them.
I don’t think their photos being on my website will incite the pedophiles.
I’m not going to plaster my address all over the ever loving place – but Dooce makes an excellent point. Are we to live in fear of those strangers that see my kid at the grocery store, who saw my kid in person, and even saw my license plate, and even could follow me home?
I’m not going to live in fear.
Why do I write publicly? I write for three reasons.
I have to. I have an uncontrollable urge to spill my guts out – the pretty and ugly ones.
I am journaling my life. Each year, I have my blog printed in paperback form, and keep it for posterity.
I meet other people like me. Because I interact with other people like me. Because I can exchange ideas with other women. This is an opportunity I would not have outside of my blogging community.So – I’m sorry if you think I’m some, “money grubbing mommyblogger (said with as much scorn as possible) pimping out their child and whoring themselves.”
I’m not going to stop doing it until I no longer have the urge to write.
- Crazy Narcissistic Exploitative Zombie-Pimp Mom-Bloggers, Unite and Take Over (what started this whole rant for me in the first place)
- Mom Pimps R Us
- Newsletter: Month 50 and 51
- Mommblogger Sellouts? Consider the Alternative
- Looking at the Glass as Half-Full
Marilyn says
Awesome post. 🙂 You said it, girl.
I totally remember Geocities. I think I had like FIVE different sites there. It was a sickness.
Marilyn’s last blog post..This ain’t junior high, ya’ll
ingrid says
I just wanted to say that I admire and appreciate your honesty and openness. And your strength.
ingrid’s last blog post..wasting your time on a friday (11)
Eileen says
What a fantastic post!!! Very, very well said and so true. This is YOUR blog and YOUR life and you have every right to say whatever you want. You and only you, know what what works for you and what is in the best interest of your children. You sure don’t owe anyone an explanation, but I am glad you put it out there. I really admire you.
Thanks for your supportive comments, they meant so much. More than you know.
Eileen’s last blog post..Blindsided