Dear Esteemed Big Employer Company:
I appreciate your sense of frugality. I do. I know there were layoffs this year. I know that.
But could I ask you a favor? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Spring for the soft kleenex. I am begging. Because, you see, I’m doing an awful lot of work for you. And I have a cold. And I’ve already run through a box and a half of this supposed kleenex. It is one ply. There is no softness. And now – now? My nose is starting to bleed.
Does this count as a worker’s comp claim?
It was worth a try.
Your stuffy headed employee
P.S. Don’t try to call me regarding this note… I won’t be able to hear you. My ears are too plugged up.
Don’t you just love corporate cost containment measures? My wish would be for soap in the bathrooms that doesn’t give chemical burns!
Good luck with the cold!