October 1950: American model Joan Vohs poses for a new year greetings card. (Photo by Keystone/Getty Images)
What do I want out of the new year? I don’t make resolutions per se. I find them to be restrictive. But I do have general goals. It’s an end and a beginning, and it only makes sense to think about what you want out of your future.
I want to be more organized. No. I want to feel more organized. I don’t often drop the ball, and people – from friends and family to clients – know I’ll handle the details. But that doesn’t mean my mind is calm, or that I feel in control. Most of the time I feel like I’m hanging on by my teeth and fingernails. So, I’m back to doing FlyLady. Slowly. With baby steps. I’m being more proactive with my business. I’m creating plans with the emphasis on what works to implement them.
I want to feel more healthy, alert, and energetic. Which means quitting smoking, exercising, and eating well. As a recovering addict, the smoking is difficult. I’ve created a step-down plan I’m working. I’m slowly started the Couch-to-5K program. I’ve already run into problems with that – allergies, kid care, and Poe’s sleep schedule. I’m not quitting, I’m fixing. Slowly. We have to live our life as well. I’m considering joining Weight Watchers – but I haven’t decided yet if I can afford it. I may just use Spark People and watch what I eat. I do well with structure, though, so we’ll see.
I need to grow spiritually. I’m working on that. I’m not comfortable (yet?) sharing the specifics of that, but the point is growth. I’m working on it.
Notice I didn’t mention money? Well, now I am. I fully intend that 2011 will be better financially. I’m sick and tired and mad at focusing on survival. I want more than that for me AND my family. I want there to be emergency savings, retirement savings, college savings, and no debt. I no longer want to be on pins and needles as to whether there will be food money week to week. But – I’ve decided that focusing on it doesn’t work. Hasn’t for 2 years. Instead – I’m focusing on me. Not in a selfish MEMEME way – but in the attempt to create out of myself a better, healthier, happier person. I’m hopeful that the other things, like financial prosperity, will be a natural offshoot of that.
So, here’s to a wonderful, happy, healthy, prosperous, spiritual, exciting New Year, 2011 to all of you.
You are so ambitious! Even though we’re losing weight over here…I’m still not eating as healthy as I should. I just count calories…even if those calories come from twinkies. You are totally my hero, I don’t know how you stay sane!