That’s it. Two days to go. Today and tomorrow. I’m getting butterflies. My goodbye lunch is today.
Wrath of the Lich King came out today… Or really, midnight last night. Amongst those that know me, I’m considered a geek. I’ve always thought so too. I’m interested in video games, I’m into computers. I have a blog, and know how to both update it, as well as play with code. I’ve known html since ’95. For goodness sake, my husband and I sit and play computer games together.
After standing in line last night waiting for the midnight launch of this game, however… I don’t think I can honestly say I’m a geek anymore. Or is there a difference between a dork and a geek? I really don’t want to be mean. So I’ll just say – all stereotypes come from somewhere, people, and man were they manifested last night.
And. OOOOOh. I got ticked. We’re in line for my group to buy the game, so we’d be ready for them just to be passed our at midnight. Some boy comes up, and was gushing all over my “cool” husband, what characters do you play? What realm do you play on? Horde/Alliance, etc. My husband answers him. He then turns to me, and says in a hushed voice, “You don’t play do you? I mean you’re just with him, right?” “No, actually. I’m a guild officer with a level 70 mage, and a level 70 rogue, and numerous alts.” Apparently that can be said with contempt, because that’s just what I did. Don’t worry! I won’t bring down your raid with my poor little girly raiding skills. For crap’s sake. Ugh. As I told Poe, “What the hell am I supposed to be if I just came with you? A WoW Groupie?”
Have a great time at lunch today! You deserve to enjoy this-take this moment just for you!